Coming Soon to a Planetoid Near You!
The world of 15mm Science Fiction gaming is exploding with new stuff: new miniatures out the wazoo, new rule sets, and more new miniatures. It's a Golden Age of (15mm SF) Gaming right now, with...
View Article"Incoming!"
The goodies from arrived yesterday, a day ahead of schedule. It's been a long wait, but I was able to finish the projects on my painting table, as of last night, so waiting served a...
View ArticleErr, What I Meant to Say Was...
I've been reading, and filing metal! And I have a correction to make concerning my previous posting. In it, I commented on the odd makeup of The Greys figure selection, and concluded with, "That's...
View ArticleSci-Fi Rulesets: Announcing The List
It all started innocently enough.I'd been researching all the different rule sets available for skirmish-style science fiction gaming (15mm mainly but not solely so) and I found myself getting...
View ArticleHuman Imperial Army on the March
I've finished painting my Human Imperial Army from Here are some pics, just click on them for a larger view. (I don't know why the thumbnails look scrunched, but the full-size view is...
View ArticleReinforcements Have Arrived
I've almost finished painting The Greys I ordered from a while back, but Real Life (c)(tm)(r) has a way of sticking its nose into my business in such a way that I have not finished painting...
View Article"Are You Ready for Your Probing?"
Despite everything Real Life©® could throw at me, I have finished painting my Grey Aliens from'm really happy with them. They were a pleasure to paint, full of "cute" character and...
View ArticleIn Defense of Pudding
Recently I've been trying to think of ways to expand my sci-fi battlefield inexpensively. There are some absolutely top-notch, beautiful terrain pieces being produced for 15mm SF these days; not only...
View ArticleYogurt Joins Pudding to Rule the World
I hinted at the end of my last post that I would be creating something out of the yogurt container that was pictured. And so I have. I continue my quest to build cheap, simple, cheap, useful, cheap...
View ArticleIt Would Be a Target-Rich Environment, If We Could SEE Them....
It's been far too long since I updated here. Sadly, the lack of updates is not because I've been too busy playing games, or painting until my fingers bleed. No, it's simply that Real Life(©®) keeps...
View ArticleI Have Knights on Retainer....
I finished a painting project. Somehow or another, I get sidetracked and leave projects unfinished far too often. This time, it was actually playing games that did it. It's difficult to paint and...
View ArticleA Safe Place to Hide Away
Updates are few and far between around here. I explain this more fully on my other blog, but in addition to that explanation part of the reason is that I have had non-15mm Sci-Fi projects on the go....
View ArticleNuke the Site from Orbit...
...It's the only way to be sure!Aliens. One of the seminal, defining sci-fi combat movies.So here are some 15mm figures from Quick Reaction Force (QRF). These are the SF-01 Deep Space Marines...
View ArticleNot-Star Wars, 15mm
Hello, beautiful people! Long time no see. The blog, as usual, has been quiet, but the activity behind the scenes has been on-going.I started watching The Joy of Wargaming's YouTube channel late last...
View Article15mm not-Star Wars, Wait, actually Star Wars
Hail and well met, once again!Per my previous post, I have now finished painting the Khurasan Miniatures "Curious Chaps" 15mm figures (you'll have to scroll to find them, but they're near the top of...
View ArticleBlasters & Bulkheads yet again, but not solo!
I played a non-solo Star Wars game with my 12 year old son. He set up the table and designed the scenario. I'm afraid I didn't take enough pictures, because I was "living in the moment," but when I...
View ArticleBlasters & Bulkheads yet again!
I played a second game with my son. The first is reported here. This was again a scenario of his devising. I kind of like him coming up with the ideas. It makes it fresh for me, good practice for...
View ArticleA Variety Pack of 15mm
I recently painted up some 15mm figures, from Alternative Armies. A long time ago I received a sample pack of sci-fi and fantasy figures. I finally decided to paint them up. Here they are....
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