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It Would Be a Target-Rich Environment, If We Could SEE Them....

It's been far too long since I updated here.  Sadly, the lack of updates is not because I've been too busy playing games, or painting until my fingers bleed.  No, it's simply that Real Life(©®) keeps getting in my way.  JobKidsWife.  All that important stuff.    The usual story.  *sigh*

Ironically, I was very busy over the Summer (which ended a few months ago, I know) constructing terrainYay!  Here are some pictures of what I managed to accomplish.  Some of this terrain will find its way onto my Sci-Fi table, and some of it will be used on my Colonial/Fantasy/VSF table (for pictures of those games, see my other blog:  Kelroy Was Here

Click the pics to enlarge them.  Please enjoy, and if you feel the least bit inspired by my handiwork, leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
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The vinyl flooring I used to make my rivers.
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The caulk I used for the river banks.

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A river section with the caulk and sand drying on it.
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A demonstration of the flexibility of the vinyl flooring.
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A selection of river sections, cut and "sanded."
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This is what I used to make the rivers wet-looking after I painted them.
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A desert watering hole.  This was my first attempt using the Polycrylic clear coat.  I just wanted a test for what it would look like, and how easy it would be to work with.
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All my new bright and shiny river sections.  And I mean shiny in the literal sense.  See next picture.
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The rivers have a glossy sheen, just like the real stuff!
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Fordable sections of river.

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A simple plank bridge over a river.
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A gently curving riverbank.
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A somewhat stagnant swamp.
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A 28/32mm and a 15mm scale figure.
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A side view to show the thickness of the vinyl tile on edge.
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A selection of real rocks on scraps of vinyl flooring.
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A finished field of rocks.  These are actually rather heavy to carry from game to game....
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A closer view of some of the rocks.
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"A Space Marine investigates a cooling fire pit."
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Some rocky formations, sculpted with a hot-wire foam cutter.
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A couple of hills.  I was trying different techniques:  a multi-level hill that is plainly stepped, and a canyon-type hill.  Both will work for either 15mm or 28mm games.
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"Some Human Imperial Infantrymen move cautiously through the canyon."  (15mm.co.uk figures)
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Another hill with different types of flock.  Eh, I was experimenting.
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"This looks like difficult terrain, sir."
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And last but not least, a selection of "middle Eastern" style buildings, made from some simple boxes I found at Hobby Lobby.
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"A merciless Legionnaire takes aim."  (28mm Askari)

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Here's what the boxes looked like when I bought them.

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Here's a representative sample of my terrain, on table.

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Game on!
Thanks for looking!

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